Technical Brief: Why Gender Matters for Digital Health

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

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This technical brief, commissioned by the GIZ-implemented Sector Initiative ‘Global Health’, explores how gender inequalities can affect the way digital health interventions are planned, designed and used. It also considers how such interventions can intentionally or unintentionally impact on existing inequalities or create new ones. Sara (Meg) Davis and Fumi Kurihara contributed research for the brief.

Key Insights include:

– Digital health can bridge or exacerbate gender disparities based on its design.

– Women face greater risks related to data privacy and security.

– Gender-sensitive approaches enhance inclusivity and programme effectiveness.

– Socio-cultural norms deeply affect women’s access to digital health tools.

– Marginalised groups require tailored strategies to overcome access barriers.

This brief, based on case studies, field data, and expert consultations, offers practical recommendations to integrate gender sensitivity into digital health programmes.

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