Research Report: Towards People-Centered Digital Health Strategies: Gender, Equity, Rights and Inclusion 

Franco Serra, Tom West, Sarah Simms, Sara (Meg) Davis

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The report “Towards People-centred Digital Health Strategies: Gender, Equity, Rights and Inclusion” by the University of Warwick examines 20 national digital health strategies through the lenses of gender, equity, rights, and inclusion.

Key insights include:

– While privacy and data security are frequently addressed, there is a notable lack of focus on gender inequalities and the inclusion of diverse populations.

– Many strategies lack a rights and equity perspective in their vision and objectives, and there is often insufficient collaboration with civil society and relevant government departments.

– The report highlights the need for comprehensive approaches that integrate gender, equity, and rights considerations to ensure digital health initiatives are inclusive and effective.

In conclusion, the report calls for enhanced collaboration among stakeholders to develop digital health strategies that are inclusive, equitable, and uphold human rights.

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